By Essie Osborn

For a true follower of a particular religion, going an extra mile in declaring, showing or rather publicizing their faith is not that a hard thing. This has been witnessed before with people hiring billboards, painting their cars with this massages and some even getting tattoos imprinted with their favorite verses. However, nothing tops the list like the Christian sports apparel.

No one could ever thought that a player would step into the NBA basketball court adorning a shirt imprinted a Bible verse. This is the norm of recent times though. Back in the day, few athletes could discuss matters pertaining their faith in post-match interviews. However these days players discuss, renowned NFL slush ESPN employee, Tim Tebow proved that.

It is quite common to see a soccer player after scoring a goal bowing down as a sign of worship and appreciation to God. This however is not a common thing in the NBA. Most players would prefer to yell or curse as a way of showing the frustration or struggle or pride in their game.

This could be the driving engine as to why a section of well renowned basketball players and football players have been in the forefront of declaring who they really are. Their religious stand point and what they truly believe in. Recently, companies are being set up by these sportsmen. This is one of the major developments in terms of adorning Christian messages and verses whenever one hits the basketball court of the football field.

Stephen Curry, Jeremy Lin and Antony Tolliver are just but a few among the many who are at the forefront of this movement. From the perspective of a Christian believer, the movement is aimed at evangelism that the sheer desire to make money from the sale of this clothes. Active Faith Sport is a company under the above athletes. It is strictly owned by these athletes.

These apparel are diversified and target quite a wide range of people for different age groups. They sell to men, women and kids with design that suit a fashion aware individual. The most receptive however is the vibrant, saved and unashamed Christian youth. This is the group that consumes the products and will be easily seen adorning these clothes in gymnasiums before games, football fields and in the streets.

The main consumers in this sense are the children, women and men. The diversity in their choices is minimal hence saving up on inventions pertaining the type of clothing to make on the side of the companies involved. This is true as the designs only target a specific set of consumers who are the youth in sports and love matters pertaining Christianity.

The whole movement has taken the world by a storm. Those in Christianity and by this sense actively involved in religion, and in sports, have for a long time looked for ways to keep their salvation and stay focused with the game. Eventually the opportunity to be part of a movement that has their interested at heart has been invented.

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