By Essie Osborn

Backpacking is becoming more popular, not only among school leavers but also among older people who are in between careers or need to take a sabbatical. It provides a more authentic experience of local cultures than an all-inclusive package tour would. When you go backpacking, you learn to get by with less but one item that can enrich your experience is a portable guitar.

While all guitars are in fact portable, they're not always easy to travel with. They can be bulky and unwieldy. However, guitars that were made especially for travelers are a great option. They're smaller than regular guitars but produce the same sound. They're not to be confused with ukuleles, which produce a higher pitch.

One of the greatest things about travel guitars is that they're so easy to take with you on the airplane. Most are designed to fall within the maximum dimensions for a piece of baggage as allowed by most airlines. They're incredibly light too, so you won't have to pay extra for excess baggage. Best of all is that they're small enough to take with you as hand luggage, so you don't have to worry about your instrument being damaged by careless baggage handlers at the airport.

What makes backpacking such an adventure is that you often take the same modes of public transport that the locals do. In many developing countries, this will likely be a bus or a minibus. Drivers and their assistants often insist on placing large items on the roof of the vehicle for the journey but if your instrument is small and compact, you'll be able to keep it with you or put it in the overhead racks. This makes it easier to quickly transfer from one vehicle to another.

You may be spending some time hiking or trekking. This is another time when you'll be grateful for only carrying a small instrument with you. Not only is it light and easy to carry but it gives you a way to pass the time around the campfire at night, especially when you're far away from civilization, WiFi connections and clubs.

The instrument comes in handy for hostel life too. It helps promote social interaction as people get together to make music. However, it also allows you to escape the crowds and find a form of meditation while you sit an play somewhere quiet.

Taking a musical instrument along on your journey can even help you finance your trip. In many backpacking towns, bar and restaurant owners are always looking for live entertainment and if you're good enough, they might pay you to play at their establishments while you're in town. You can even go busking at a marketplace or on the sidewalks if your funds are running low.

While some music stores sell travel guitars, you'll have more luck looking online. Another but usually more expensive option is to have one custom made by a professional guitar builder. However, it's a great investment that you won't regret and that will provide many wonderful travel memories.

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