By Essie Osborn

Whether creating, acting in, or watching a movie, play or television show, the soundtrack is always an important and integral part of the process. Generally, science fiction music is often instrumental with some using live orchestras and sound effects either on stage or during the filming process. One of the key factors is that all sound associated with a production flow with the characters, plot and story.

Classes, schools and tutorials offer coursework in creating different types of sound which is best suited each type of science fiction production. While some offer robotic sound design, others offer programming which can be used as part of a soundtrack. Others provide musical training on various instruments.

A lot of past science fiction has used live orchestras whether on stage or as part of a larger soundtrack. A good example of robotic sound design would be the recent blockbuster "Gravity, " directed by George Clooney. One of the most important elements is that the sound provide a backdrop which the audience enjoys. Otherwise, the audience can often get bored and lose interest in both the content of the story as well as the soundtrack.

When it comes to creating the right sound for a project, there are a number of considerations. One being that the soundtrack set the pace for the dramatic events involved in the story. Any vocals being used as part of a soundtrack should not be of a story telling nature. Sound designers need always consider the age of the audience in order to create a soundtrack with which the audience can relate.

Creating sound design with distinct highs and lows is one of the most important elements of creating a soundtrack for a science fiction audience. Soundtracks that move the audience not only sell more movie tickets through good reviews but often more soundtrack recordings. Besides, a film, play or television show is not nearly as suspenseful unless there is a build up and reduction of energy throughout the story.

Experience and recognition with relation to any musical artists performing on the soundtrack is also another important aspect to consider. So, when using various musical artists, it is often good to use recognizable artists and well known songs. This is because these music professionals and familiar song titles often have the ability to draw individuals to a theater almost as much as the movie description, actors, directors and producers.

When it comes to the animated science fiction genre targeting viewers of a younger age, it is important to use music which entertains youth. It is also important such music be age appropriate. Whereas, adults generally tend to respond better to instrumental soundtracks associated with movies which include adult themes and plots.

The most important aspects are that the music is in alignment with the story, plot and characters. When it comes to Science Fiction, often it is good to use both sound effects and music for more dramatic experience. Otherwise, the audience may have difficult connecting with the film, play or television show. Whereas, when music provides a great backdrop, audiences often find the soundtrack to be a magical part of the entire experience.

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