By Essie Osborn

We always make sure that we are wearing the best outfits. Most of the time, we tend to search for other things that may make us look even better. From body accessories like jewelries to sticking something into our clothes, we only have one aim and that is to make us look even better. But for men, sometimes, it is very unfair. Women get to do and apply anything to what they are wearing but men has limited resources. Cheap neckties are available for you guys. So here is something for you to check on and look even greater.

Ties also have different parts which you need to check at. Its lining should be easy to tie and could prevent it from wrinkling. You must also check on the fabric by looking at it and feeling it. The hand rollings must also be checked with the slip stitch.

Make sure that the size is right for you. Note that it has to touch the top of the buckle of your belt. It also has to be 5.5 centimeters to 10 centimeters wide.

Also take a check at its texture. A wool is best for a heavyweight jacket or a tweed one. While silk ties are best for business attires. For better color quality, ties must be woven and not screened.

Matching the colors really does apply to everything. You need to be able to pair correct shades so there will be no mismatch that will happen. You need to consider if you are wearing a lighter shade shirt or a darker one. If ever you are going to a formal party then you must wear a tie which has a solid color.

Choosing the right color is also related to your skin tone. For those with fair complexion, you must choose something darker. On the other hand, those who has a darker complexion must settle for a brighter attire.

Most ties have different patterns on them. For this situation, all you need is to check the style of it and compare it to what you will wear. Try to see if it looks good on you with that shirt you have. All you have to do to properly check on it is to place it side by side with the shirt and see how it would look together. Just like love matching, it needs chemistry.

Whatever you put as an accessory may it be a tie or not, note that you are the one who has to look good. You need to let yourself standout after all. What all these things done is just improve how you already look and gives more flavor to your clothes.

If you have observed, tie is being paired to almost everything. It is actually okay as long as it matches. Never make it look out of place. Remember, the on wearing it is also affected with how people looks at what someone else wears. Always put up yourself by wearing something decent. Also, make sure that you dress according to wear you are going. Looking formal does not mean that you also have to appear like a politician the whole time. As long as you look neat and clean and could bring yourself up with good attitude, then you are good to go. Dress to impress but never dress out of control.

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