By Essie Osborn

Becoming a believer is one of the soundest decisions that a human being can make. However, it is sad that some people shy away from letting others know that they are a believer. This is because; though they are born again, and baptized, they will prefer doing things that are not pleasing, and acceptable to God. As a result, such people would not want to put on attire that portrays them as believers in public. However, this should not be the case. It is very important to let the world know your stand in Christ. One way of doing this is by wearing Christian athletic wear.

Some people urge that they do not have to be in such attire for people to recognize them as followers of Christ. As much as this is true, the fact is that while you put on such attire, you are not telling people about yourself, but about Christ. Some of this attire has good messages, which can help people know much about Christ. Again, unknown to you, you may transform someones life through your attire.

You will realize that these attires include t-shirts that has special messages about God. They have popular bible quotes and other Christian teaching that reminds people what God expects from them. These writings helps in spreading the gospel and make people become true followers of Christ Jesus.

You would find that many people would be curious to know what the writings on your t-shirts mean. This is why what is written on your attire would be a competent way of preaching the gospel. It would be crucial for believers to dress on attires containing various bible verses.

For you to attract peoples attention, you will need to ensure that you settle with the right attire. This means that you will need to take sometime, before making a purchase. Considering certain factors can be very important. For instance, evaluate the size of the attire. It is important to be sure of the right size for you. This will ensure that you do settle for very tight or too loose attire.

In relation to mode of dressing, ensure you have proper and comfortable dressing. It is not a surprise to find individuals who are not comfortable with how they have dressed. However, when you dress in good attires, you become more comfortable and smart. This also boosts your self-esteem and value. You also make other people to wish to live a life like yours. This helps in enhancing Christian values in their life.

The color of your skin will determine the color of the attire that you buy. You will also need to ensure that the color of the attire you plan to buy, match with the color of the accompaniments. In addition, you will need to consider the material used to make the attire. Look for attire made of a durable material.

The affordability of the attire is also a thing to evaluate. It is certain that some clothing are expensive than others are. You do not have to settle on the very cheap ones, as they may be of low quality. You can easily locate affordable attire that is of high quality.

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