Creative Design By David Fuhrer

Posted by Georgy | 9/18/2009

By Kerisha Collins

David Fuhrer, an experienced digital artist at the top of his design game. At the age of 23, he has the ability to produce designs that show his dedication and hard work.

David grew up in the 90's, where he was influenced by these times and it shows in his work. Since a child I had the need to be creative in some way.

His piece "Blue Moon", that features a surreal globe, raised in 3D form from the surface, as if it naturally stood out from the earth. This design has other additional galaxy-like features including other planets and meteors.

David has managed to identify himself from most of other designers with his special designs. As his work is based in its own category of subject, David has successfully differentiated himself from the average designer by selecting this topic of design and applying it to his work.

The piece "Metal Heart" is designed as an interpretation of a song created in Photoshop. This has a lot of detail added to it, including missing parts to the heart and objects in the background.

His work has been displayed in many places such as, Los Logos 4 (Logo Book), Tres Logo (Logo Book), Web Design Index ( Web Design Book), Logo Lounge 4 (Logo Book).

David is on the up and up, getting into Motion Graphics and 3D Design. He will study these additional subjects to become as advanced as he is with his knowledge for Illustration. He will continue learning and creating designs for the future as he has done in the past and present days.

About the Author:


Web site development, PHP programming's Fan Box