By Lucas Godfrey

Digital photography has sure taken a lot of the worry out of taking the perfect pictures and provided a way to save some money. Probably the best feature is though being able to tell right away that a picture is going to be less than perfect and be retaken. All of this is achieved simply by looking through the viewfinder as soon as it is shot.

In some cases, though what looks good in the beginning is not that great once you get it on the computer. With some good software, you can edit these photos easily and the results are certainly impressive. If you think your photos, look great go through some of the basic editing procedures to see if they can be made even better.

Many times the color of your photo just does not seem to be quite right. If you use the saturation editing feature this will change the intensity of your color. This is a great tool if your colors just do not seem to be as real as they should be.

Then there is the lightness and darkness that sometimes affects our pictures. If they are too light, they just seem to be washed out looking. There is nothing vibrant about them. It does not matter how good your printer is or the quality of paper that you use. If the pictures are too dark then definition is lost. Many important features of the photo go unnoticed.

Aside from the color affecting the definition of the picture, some of its sharpness may have been lost. It may appear slightly blurred. This can be fixed with the sharpening feature; it will define the edges of the objects in the picture making then stand out more and appear much clearer.

These are the basics of your photo editing. These are ?must dos? if your pictures show any of the problems we have mentioned. Once you have completed these steps then you can go onto applying some enhancements. These will be more of a personal choice or option rather than a necessity.

Many times when we take photos there is a lot more included than we really need. This takes away from the focal point of the picture. You can simply get rid of this extra by cropping the picture, which means cutting out the area you do not want.

Red eye removal is another very valuable tool when editing your pictures. Nothing is more frustrating then to have the perfect picture only to find the subjects eyes look like they are on fire.

These are all pretty well basic editing features of any software along with sepia, and resizing. Most often, you can get free software that will perform these functions very well. If you want to get into more advanced photography editing you may want to purchase some software that will give you many additional features. When you are choosing some free photo editing software try and pick a program that will allow you to see your photos before you edit and then afterwards so you can see if you really like the changes before you save them.

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