By George Carmichael

There is nothing better than the digital camera! When I think back to the "old days" when I used film cameras, I can't believe how much better we have it now! I remember taking a photo and hoping against hope that at least a majority of the photos on the film would turn out nicely so that I didn't "waste" money at the film developer's on photos that didn't turn out. With the advent of digital cameras, I know that if I'm not immediately satisfied with a photo I've taken, I can just delete it and re-shoot the picture!

Although I wouldn't trade my digital camera for anything, I do realize that when I used to use the old film camera, I almost seemed to appreciate the photos that I took a little bit more. I took them carefully, I paid to develop them, and I always promptly put the developed product into an album or scrapbook for "safe keeping".

Now that I take digital photos, I suddenly have hundred, if not thousands, of photos cluttering up my computer and taking up valuable space. I rarely develop my photos anymore, I just tend to take photo after photo, upload it to my computer, and then forget about it!

Luckily, I have now found something that will help me to use the hundreds of digital photos that I have taken; digital scrapbooking software! Digital scrapbooking software allows me to create incredible photo albums and scrapbooks with just a few clicks of the mouse!

Scrapbooking is a breeze with digital scrapbooking software! I find it to be every bit as fund as traditional scrapbooking, but so much more appealing because of the relatively low cost and wide variety of options!

Using digital scrapbooking download is a cinch. First, you organize your photos by deciding which photos you will present in your digital album or scrapbook. Next, use your digital scrapbooking software to upload your chosen photos. You can create categories, or folders, to keep your photos organized for each scrapbooking project. And then the fun really begins.

Digital scrapbooking software offers its user an endless variety of unique and creative backgrounds and clip art to use!

But what if you want to use older photos that have been printed traditionally on photo paper? No problem! Simply use your scanner to scan and upload the photos on to your home computer! Its simple! Digital scrapbooking software allows you to use any type of photo to make a gorgeous and creative scrapbook!

Choosing the digital scrapbooking software that is right for you is simple, but it pays to do your research! If you want to find the photo scrapbook software that will allow you to make the highest possible quality scrapbooks, then beware of the website that is offering you the software. Look for the following things:

- Professionalism: does the site appear to have been created by a professional web designer? Generally speaking, if the site looks good and like its had some money put into it, then its more likely a legitimate business that it promoting a legitimate product.

A Contact Page: does the website that is promoting the digital scrapbooking software have a method by which you can contact the sellers?

- Extras: there are a lot of digital scrapbooking software products out there. Does this website offer a product that comes with extras " features like add-ons, fancy backgrounds, and a variety of clip-art that sets their product apart from the competitions?

Most importantly, digital scrapbooking software should be FREE! You can get amazing digital scrapbooking software for free. If you later choose, you can have your finished product professionally published for a small fee.

As you pursue your new creative scrapbooking hobby, check out Avatree, which is an excellent exampl of FREE digital scrapbooking software!

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