Making An Income From Photography

Posted by Georgy | 9/16/2009

By Dawn Enstruthe

Do you have a digital camera? Are you interested in making some extra cash? If so, then you have what it takes to earn money through photography. This applies to everyone equally, whether you are just developing your skills or are a seasoned photographer with years of experience. The desire to snap pictures and make money is really all you need to get started.

No, you don't have to invest thousands of dollars and find space for an actual studio. You don't even have to take pictures of real people if you don't want to. The reality is very few photographers and enthusiasts turn their passion for pictures into a full time living or small business. Most enjoy what they do for free, taking pictures for family and friends. That doesn't have to be you because there is now a third option.

What you do need is access to a much larger audience from all over the world. If you guess that the only way to get that is to go online, you are correct. The easiest way to earn money with photography is to sell images of your own creation to others online. You don't need a big drawn out business plan, just a passion for taking pictures that others will find useful and interesting.

The best place to start are the websites that sell stock photos to web designers, bloggers, and anyone else with use for basic images. You can think very simple here. Take basic images that may be of use on websites and blogs and you are likely to start seeing some sales fairly quickly.

Yet, simple doesn't mean you can't get complex and creative. Many of the images that sell the best are those that use imagination and offer something different. For instance, instead of just taking pictures of an apple you can Photoshop the apple or otherwise alter the image to make it more unique and interesting.

There is no reason you cannot use the stock photo websites for basic images and develop your own website for the higher quality images you create. Some people are now making extra cash online while still chasing local customers and trying to become photographers in the bigger sense of the word.

It's a sad fact that few people with real skill in photography ever make a full living off of their passion. Some are happy with this while others go online and find their own way to bring in a bit of money doing what they truly love. Which group will you fall into?

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