By Dan Feildman

For over a hundred years photography was relegated to being a hobby for thousands of people. With the advent of digital technology however we now have those same hobbyists making their living taking digital photos. Thanks to digital technology we are capable of producing clearer photos thanks to advanced resolution and higher pixelation. Along with digital technology we have the advent of the Internet which has created a global marketplace where talented photographers can exhibit, and get paid for, their digital photographs.

Here are some tips on how you can make money digital photos:

There are a variety of stock photography sites that will allow you to submit your work. These sites include iStockphoto, Stockexpert, Fotolia, Crestock and Dreamstime. Stock photography sites give you a platform to store your photos and market them to a potential range of online consumers. Consumers come from a wide variety of industries including interior designers, web designers, advertisers?, etc. You shouldn?t be charged a membership fee however there are some exceptions so I recommend you do some research prior to joining any particular site. One thing to note this that these web sites maintain a high standard in their art intake so please be sure to only submit your very best work to guarantee approval.

When becoming involved in stock photography you must know that there is no room for average or amateur work. Your photos should be of superior quality in order to be noticed by the online consumers. To ensure quality photographs make sure you take photos using a high pixel digital camera and then use the tools of Adobe Photoshop to refine the picture using its editing tool.

Make an impressive portfolio with around 15-20 pictures that you consider are your best work so far. Save it safely in your computer with a copy of each picture stored separately as different files names. Make the names of the files easily accessible so that you don't need to run a search command to locate them.

Remember perfect shots are rare, so, it is always advisable to safely carry your digital camera while traveling. The probability of finding lucrative shots near the vicinity of your location are rare, so carrying the complete camera equipments would give you the opportunity of looking for good shots at distant locations. Also, remember to click at least 3-4 pictures of your subject image. This would give you the opportunity of picking and choosing the best from them.

Use your photo editing software to further enhance the appeal of your photographs. A popular photo editing program is Adobe Photoshop CS4. This program is perfect if you looking to edit things such as lighting, color, resizing, cropping etc. If you have never used the program I advise that you go through the demo DVDs or CDs to get the right hang of this software.

Remember to submit your photograph online agency only if you are absolutely convinced of its fine quality. Submit your best photo first to avoid rejection, which won't help to get your online photography business to flourish from the start.

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