Graffiti Tee Shirts Are Cool

Posted by Georgy | 5/21/2011

By Kasey Dunlap

There is a story about American troops in Europe during the First World War noticing a new kind of shirt. The Doughboys of the USA were sweating their hearts out wearing wool uniforms while dock laborers were working coolly in cotton short sleeve shirts without buttons. Whether this story is true or not will be left to clothing historians to sort out, fold and put in the proper drawer. One thing is true and that is that graffiti tee shirts are hot and cool.

When mentioning waves we are not referring to the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service of World War II fame. Since we have hit upon World War II, let us return to the venerable tee. Tee shirts were issued to soldiers, sailors and airmen around the world and after the war they went home and put away their uniforms but they kept their tees around because they were comfortable to work in in the home and the farm.

Then came the sixties with casual becoming very cool, the plain tee of white and olive green gave way to tie-dyes and slogans. The decade of free love made this shirt not a lowly undergarment to put on when cutting the grass but the main event, sometimes with messages on their front telling The Man where he could stick his rules and rigid manners.

The seventies, eighties and nineties merge together in our brief history lesson. In these years tees were still worn as outer shirts and came in a greater array of colors and cuts. One major improvement was the blending of cotton with polyester or other fibers in the proper mix to keep the tee from fitting only one time, the time before you first put it in the dryer.

The first decade of the 21st Century saw the biggest trend change in tee shirt design and sales. This was fueled by the internet. In one day a tee shirt could go from design on one side of the world to be worn by zillions of people on the other side of the globe. Tees even started to go throwback.

Now as we bravely enter the second decade of the new century there surely can be no ground has the tee shirt has not already covered. Perhaps there is nothing left to be emblazoned on this most favorite of shirts. And maybe North Korea has stopped being a pain in the collective backside of the entire world.

The experts were as wrong about the end of tees as we hope the Mayans are about the year 2012. There is a new development and it is great. They are called graffiti tee shirts and they are as cool as can be. Although many would call graffiti artists delinquents, we know they just look at the world as their sketch pad. Some of their work is downright beautiful and you by wearing one of these graffiti tee shirts you can know that you have been tagged. Buy one today.

graffiti tee shirts

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