By Sean Watson

1. Getting closer - Bring your viewers into the picture with you. Don't hesitate to get as close as possible to the subject unless you are in some kind of threat or immediate danger if photographing wild animals, etc. One of the best photographs to be taken is a subject in magnificent detail, close up. Make sure your photos are grabbing viewers by the collar and saying "I am to be looked at. Look at me."

2. Multiple angles - Any one thing can be captured on camera and there's a million different ways to take its picture. There's only one picture that will stand out from the 999,999 others. Be sure you're snapping from every angle. Up high, down low, to the right and left. The lighting from one photograph that differs from the rest may reveal what's worth infinite words.

3. Take your time and be quick - Different situations - You're the one taking a picture of it. You're the one that needs to love it. Become one with the subject you're capturing and that subject will become one brilliant photograph. Don't "quick capture" it and regret it later. Relax, take your time, get it right and be satisfied during the moment. What you've taken photos of today may never be available again.

There may be times when you need to be quicker. Most people are not used to having their photos taken, especially kids. Be quick to capture their smiles. There are different moments when you need to be fast and slower.

4. Lighting - Be aware of your lighting. The subject may look better with lighting from the front, the side or behind. This you'd never know unless you take multiple shots with lighting from different angles.

5. Be prepared - Almost all photographers has that one thing they like to take a picture of most. Whether it be oceans, mountains or clouds, you never know when you'll have a chance to capture it. Always have your equipment with you, ready to go. Remember, it is that one occasion when you will need your digital camera the most.

6. Tell a story - If there is an element in your photo that can help the story you should keep it. If it does not really belong with what you are wanting, make sure you keep it out of view.

7. Shutter speed - Use a faster shutter speed (1/500 and above) to photograph a subject in fast movement in real time. You can photograph a batter at a baseball game and capture his every movement as we swings to connect with the baseball.

8. Off-centering the subject - Moving the subject from the center of the photo can dramatically bring it to life. Move it from 1/3 or to the furthest point to the left or right. Many cameras are designed to focus on whatever is in the middle. Be sure to lock the focus on your subject before slowly moving the camera.

9. Use a tripod - A tripod is the best way to prevent camera shake and results in extreme stability that will produce the sharpest images. If you don't have a tripod, use a car, a friend's shoulder, a table or fence to prevent camera shake.

10. Be creative - People love visual effects. Be as creative as you can and capture all the colors available. A photo of a bridge during the day may look okay, but at night, the moon light and fog along with the bridge lighting may create something totally unique at the right angle. Explore the different side of things. It may pay off.

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