By Dan Feildman

When entering the stock photo sales arena your digital camera is the most important tool you will have. Acceptance or rejection of your images will depend foremost on the quality of the image you are selling; to receive the best quality images I personally recommend a 5 mega-pixel digital camera that is set to maximum resolution.

Never submit more than 50 photos at a time and be careful not to upload the same photo twice, as this will also lead to possible photo rejection and even to account closure. To avoid this happening, don't change the file name as your PC will point out any duplicates, and then when you are have a batch to upload change the file names accordingly. Windows has built in software for multiple file name changes, so it is just a question of a few clicks and won't be a time wasting exercise.

The second most important factor is keywords and by choosing the right keywords you can definitely increase your photo sales. There are a variety of tools you can use when choosing keywords, a simple search on the internet will immediately give you half a dozen sites that will help you determine which keywords will work best. I also recommend you view similar images at Google Images and see which keywords are being used on the foremost images. Please note, keep your keywords between 8-10 per image to get the best results, if you use more than that they may be rejected as spam.

So as I said quality is the main determinating factor to avoid Photo rejection, so make sure that the images are not out of focus, and that the light balance is even. Also if your photos may be too large in size, especially if you aiming at optimum quality, so my suggestion would be to use either Adobe Elements or Adobe Photoshop to reduce the sizing, as with this software the quality will not be affected. If you need to make an image larger, don't go over 5% as the quality will be reduced significantly.

Lastly, if a photo was rejected once, don't resubmit it. Retake the shot, keeping quality at the forefront of your mind thereby ensuring they will accepted.

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