By Xander Davenport

What has become of the camera shop of our society? Movie rental centers are almost all disappeared thanks mainly to online rentals and DVD rental vending machines. Right behind them is the death of photographic stores. I can remember when I was given my first camera and would go to the photography store to develop film, but now there are no more photography studios and stores left over.

Photographs are now almost all digital photography, coming from digital SLR and digital cameras and put straight onto digital frames. If you would like to print a photograph you have got to go to a pharmacy or have them shipped from an online source. I recently sold my SLR digital camera and ordered a digital SLR camera from an internet digital camera sale. I was stuck with only a film camera just as I was going on a cross-country trip that was meant to last a month.

It was such a shock to discover how much camera accessories had simply vanished. I could hardly find film to put into the camera not to mention a store that would actually develop it. With all of the progress in SLR digital cameras and other accessories like digital camera batteries and camera bags I might have thought camera shops would still be around but the only stores that still sell DSLR cameras are now giant electronic stores or internet sites.

Not like the death of video stores, I think there is still a need for camera stores and informed sales staff that may help me compare digital cameras. I desperately hope there'll be an emergence of camera stores as purchasers realize they require more information about cameras than a lowly sales clerk at a giant electronic store can offer.

There is still hope remaining! I recently came across a camera store that managed to survive in the midst of the corporate electronic chain stores because the owner's forethought to explore his experience as a wedding photography. By selling the wedding photos at the storefront he was in a position to offer discounts on frames, albums and physical prints for wedding packages. By taking advantage of the product that was in his store and the reputation he had as a wedding photographer he was able to raise both businesses and make a respectable living. Possibly there is still hope for the camera shop.

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