By Marlene Bass

Ever since the hit movie Slumdog Millionaire was released, the number of people who stream Bollywood movies has increased by a lot. These films are popular because of the five elements that dominate its cinematography. These elements appeal to the taste of the larger audience too.

The first element, which is pretty much obvious to most people, is that every film always has a song and dance number. The climax is usually highlighted because of the song and dance number which provides justice to the story line. Scenes such as the female lead getting heartbroken or the meeting of also deserve such trendy production.

Being melodramatic is also a characteristic of the said films. More often than not, the characters usually exaggerate their roles. It is obvious that the plot and story line are exaggerated too. The Melodrama is preferred

Love is also a common theme in Indian cinematography. In this genre, the male or female lead would usually fall in love with their respective counterpart. Because of this development, marriage and happy ending are not far-fetched ideas for spicing up the story.

There is also a tinge of comedy for every film. Although the jokes or slapstick comedy acts are sometimes corny, these never fail to give people a good laugh. Well, that may be because most actors do the act well too.

It is also noticeable how most moving pictures from India are focused on the possibility of the middle-class or higher-class people falling in love with the lower-class ones. It is a known fact that there is a system in India which separates people in classes. Those flicks which show that there is no boundary in love are very popular since these allow people to escape reality temporarily.

The people who stream Bollywood movies may be good movie critiques. The good points of such cinematography are not limited to the five element. There are still other reasons why this type of films are popular with other people. stream Bollywood Movies

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