By Cindy Carey

A wedding is essentially a union of two people who are in love with each other and as such, it's a great chance for families to gather and be one in celebrating the love that you have. This is the reason that many couples invite also the kids to participate in the fun and enjoyment that the occasion brings. But because weddings in general are not exactly a kid-friendly event, it can really be a challenge to keep them well behaved and entertained.

Why not give out a special loot bag each and every child guest? Let them feel welcome and comfortable with a little bag of goodies made just for them. Put in sweets, wedding themed bubble sets, and their very own disposable camera which they could use to document the different parts of your celebration. Towards the end of the event, you may even showcase and give credit to the "best shot" taken by a kid. Announcing this on the onset will encourage them to remain alert and just savor every minute of the celebration together with the rest of the guests.

Erect a station for the exclusive use of all kid guests so they won't have to sit with their parents in the main adults' section. To keep them busy and entertained at the same time, complete the set-up with child-sized tables and chairs where they could comfortably work on some wedding-themed coloring pages and activity books. Just remember to have somebody present to supervise and keep an eye on them for the whole duration of the party.

There might be children who would want to take part in the program as one of the entertainers during the party. A prepared dance number or a singing performance will surely warm the hearts of everyone and as you do the necessary preparations for the special tokens to be given away, count in the kids who've marked their presence on this big day of yours.

When it comes to the photography part, it is vital that the Wedding Photographer Singapore engaged couples will hire possesses the necessary skills and experience in handling kids and babies. This is because sitting still even for just a few minutes and smiling for the camera can be a huge no-no for them. To deal with this, choose a singapore wedding photographer who's an expert in capturing the moments of the little ones all throughout the event. He or she should know how to establish rapport with toddlers and children and be able to gain their trust and confidence. This way, you can ensure that you will have lots of great photos to choose from for your wedding album.

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