By Camille Nicholson

A fashion turban is a testament that this headdress isn't only worn for cultural or spiritual reasons. You can see a lot of celebrities wearing such on ordinary days or whenever they have engagements. Whether you are feeling beautiful or lousy due to a bad hair day, use this trendy head accessory. There are also so many exciting ways to wear one.

This item is a very long piece of cloth. The kind used traditionally in certain parts of the world can go over 50 feet in length. However, the ones you can find at the malls or online that serve as modish accessories are definitely shorter for ease of usage. Something that is at least 5 feet long is enough to let you wrap it around your head in various eye-catching styles.

You won't have a hard time getting your hands on this headdress. This is especially true as it's presently making a big splash. It comes in a wide array of colors, with black and white being the most sought after of all. These two can go perfectly well with just about any clothing color. You can also buy those that bear anything from floral to animal prints.

The great thing about this headdress is it can be wrapped or tied in a lot of ways. Even if you only own a single piece, it's possible to come up with a fresh and striking look each time. Certainly, it won't hurt to grab multiple ones in various colors and prints. After all, it's important to accessorize properly whenever you step foot outside the home to look fabulous.

Use it just like a headband to keep those hair strands from touching the face. Of all the wrapping techniques out there, this is perhaps the simplest and most unfussy of all. This solution comes in handy especially when you are running out of time. Regardless if your mane is in a simple bun, ponytail or loosely hanging, using this long piece of fabric just like a headband makes you achieve a casual and feminine look. For added appeal, you may also create a floral or bow structure on one side.

The list of wrapping or tying this accessory can go on and on. You may use it similar to a bonnet, with the ends of the fabric accentuating your flowing locks. Certainly, it looks more sensational than what it is trying to imitate. This technique also safeguards your hair from damage. Accessorize with it each time you are going to partake in fun outdoor activities.

Logging on the internet allows you to come across tutorials, with some in video format. It's true that there is some learning involved at first. But after you have learned by heart the ones that you find helpful and appealing, you will be glad that you are familiar with the many uses of this modish accessory. Your familiarity with them can come in handy on any given day.

A fashion turban is currently seen as a trendy item. It's a great alternative to your usual hair accessories, letting you become a standout. Even on a bad hair, using it is an opportunity to win some flattering remarks from everyone.

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