By Camille Nicholson

You may wear a white turban no matter if you want a formal or casual look. Wrapping it around the head can be done in so many ways, letting you accessorize uniquely each time. You won't go wrong with it as it goes perfectly with just about any color you can think of.

Many are currently into the use of this headdress and it's not hard to understand why. It's a far cry from your everyday hair accessories. When you are in a hurry, you'll thank yourself for knowing how to use this item. Being familiar with two or even more wrapping techniques is a good idea. Each time you step foot outside the home, you are bound to surprise everybody.

The color itself speaks of so much positive things. Thoughts of harmony and purity will come to the mind of anyone who spots it. You may use the headdress with just about any attire that you wish to put on. Sky is the limit when it comes to mixing and matching, letting you show off your unique fashion sense. Any color worn with the headdress is sure to pop.

Pair it with light colors and you are bound to be an eye-candy. If you don't fear being bold, the headdress can give an instant touch of drama when worn together with dark-colored apparel, especially black. The contrast created is sure to make everyone interested to take a look and figure out which sophisticated celebrity just stepped foot into the room.

Apart from being a fabulous fashion accessory, it also helps protect your mane from damage. Spending time under the sun can cause hair strands to get dry and brittle. Before you meet up with friends and engage in outdoor activities, wrap the item around your head. During a windy day, you won't have a hard time maintaining a neat appearance.

This headdress is a must-have on hot summer days. It can combat the heat because the particular color it has does not absorb UV light like black. Wrap it on your head in such a way that the ends are freely hanging. They may be used to wick off sweat, most especially if the fabric is cotton. This versatile fashion accessory may also be purchased in silk. Regardless of the material of your preference, wearing this item can make you look like you're ready for some outdoor adventures.

It can be placed on your head in a variety of ways. Each of them seems like difficult to make, and this adds further to its unmistakable charm. To start showing off your fabulous accessory, switch on a computer and look for tutorials on the web.

There is one downside to using a white turban, and that has something to do with its color. Especially because it is placed above your face, any trace of dirt can be quite noticeable. Instead of being fascinated, people might get turned off if the fabric isn't as bright as it should be. Each time you intend to use this fashion accessory, make sure that it is clean.

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