Brilliant Fun Apps For Android

Posted by Georgy | 6/17/2013

By Odessa Edwards

Downloading apps can be a bit frustraiting. Most the time the write up reads well but the application itself ends up being disappointing. You have probably many of them sitting on your phone or table, eating up your memory that never get played because you find them dull. There are lots of fun apps for android but they often get missed or skipped by.

Thankfully there are loads of free and paid for applications that will give you plenty of entertainment. To help you here is a list of some of the best ones that you can find right now. You will not find old ones on the list as the chances are high that Angry Birds is already on your device. Instead here are some of the latest fun and notable apps to hunt down on the marketplace.

If you love a good racing game then you should be made aware of Real Racing three. This is available for free and has brilliant graphics that are worthy of being admired. In the game you can take part in more than 900 events so there is a lot of gaming opportunities available. With 45 different cars you can test them all or pick your favourite and stick with it as you race for the finish line.

Bundles are great as you end up with not just one free game but a whole lot of them in a neat and tidy location on your phone. Humble Bundle is one of the best ones you can buy. There are six amazing titles and you get to choose which developers or pick a charity who will receive the cost of the application that you have to pay. Some of the titles include Beat Hazard Ultra, Dynamite Jack, Dungeon Defenders, Super Hexagon and NightSky HD.

Photo editing is always fun but it is useful too. Who wants to send out pictures of themselves when they are not looking at their best? Photoshop Touch is now available for android and it is a great photo editing tool. Before you share your images on Facebook or Twitter you can give them a few tweaks to make sure they are worthy of being seen.

Dragon Summoner is a game that anyone will love if they are a fan of card based battling games. You have to defeat dragons by building a brilliant team. There are more than 200 virtual cards to collect and you can play others over the network. Pick your team carefully though as you want to make sure you have the skills you need to fight off the dragons.

The final fun game is Bladeslinger. You will be a fan of this one if you are impressed by 3D battling titles. You have to hack and slash your way through the game but be sure to pay attention to the incredible graphics. It is a lot of fun and extremely entertaining.

All of these fun apps for android can be easily downloaded through the marketplace. You will find plenty of gameplay time and never be left feeling bored or disappointed.

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