By Lawanda Burch

Student filmmakers get to learn on methods and techniques employed in the production of movies when studying such a course. The process of movie making takes into considerations the use of various forms of technology and techniques which are applied in various contexts of the production. Movie making may take months or years, but this depends on the requirements to be taken into place, and it involves more than one person.

The inclusiveness of many people in making movies enhances the process of networking. Networking does not only involve persons in the same production, but it provides opportunities for all people in the industry to share their work. It promotes contact building between people of the same practice from all over the world.

Networking promotes the interaction of all students involved in making movies through the use the networking site. Here, they are able to able to build their profiles and each member can view the profiles of their fellow film makers to get what skills they have so that they can connect with them. They can also join groups in the site which have people sharing common interests.

Learners have access to equipments during their learning process. The access to all the required equipments gives learners the motivation to use them for the purpose of achieving their dreams. The skills learnt in classrooms are used with the use of the equipments to help the students become experienced in the field of shooting.

Before making the actual production of the movie, the persons involved in production should facilitate a pre-production. This allows them to have actual scripts, casts, crews used to make the movies and make a schedule of event occurrence to ensure that they make the movie in the best way without hitches. Pre-production is a sense of initial preparation before making the production.

To get to the real world of shooting, the learners have to go through internships where they get the experiences. They should find companies which they would like to be part of in future to provide them with internships. They also need internships, and the people they should choose to mentor them should be people who are in the same field as they are and who will motivate them towards achieving their goals.

The process of internship provides them with an expansion of classroom learning. Associations with shooting professionals encourage students who want to be like them and all their questions are answered. They are also advised to attend shooting functions and participate in the industry events to facilitate the acquisition of extra shooting skills and techniques.

Student filmmakers are able to make films which they can see on screens with their families and friends. This is a situation which makes the students become thrilled by their experiences as students who have the capability of performing in their academic works. Such is made possible through the creativity of the students to making films from their own ideas and perceptions based on real or imagined scenarios.

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