By Grace Daniels

Authentic Italian leather purses are durable enough to last for ten or more years if its owner knows how to preserve it. These items are not hard too maintain but one needs to patiently follow guidelines to conserve its beauty. Failure to follow procedures can result to costly repairs. However such steps do not demand special tools or cleaner. Using a microfiber cloth to dust it is enough unless one overuses it.

Carrying heavy items is unadvisable for these glamorous bags. It is prone to get deformed once it is constantly full. Obviously it is not ideal for wear-and-tear so do not use constantly to maintain its beauty. Keep it dry. Exposing it to moist and humidity can cause it to fade and crack. The Sun can produce the same effects thus it would be ideal to keep it out of UV rays especially when drying it after cleaning or an accident.

Avoid grease build up. Dust it regularly. Spray with a baby wash solution if heavily soiled areas. Always observe keenest especially in cleaning the most touched areas. Moisturize it occasionally. Use baby oil or a special cream to retain its gloss but be cautious of just applying any store bought cleaner. Remember that harsh solutions will dry its surface thus consult a specialist before applying any cleaner on the bag.

Polish the metal details with a corresponding cleaner to make the leather standout. Apply beeswax on its zippers to prevent it from rusting or getting stuck. Zip and unzip with care to avoid damaging its lining. Do not overlook this small details. It adds to the uniqueness and appeal of the pouch.

Clean it before and after use is ideal. Store it in cloth sacks then hang. Make sure that storage unit is well-ventilated. The slightest moisture can age the leather. Avoid stacking it with other items in the cabinet to avoid deformation. Schedule clean ups to ensure it is properly maintained.

The values of these bags depreciate due to stains. It is ideal to use bag organizers to prevent such accidents from happening. Never rub spills once it happens. Blot the stained area to avoid it from spreading then use leather restoration kits to cover the affected area. You can use shoe polish as a cheap alternative. This is also ideal for minor scrapes.

Approach a local leather restoration specialist to revive heavily damaged bags. Ask for recommendations or search for these experts in Cyberspace. Research about at least three professionals in your area. Conduct a thorough check regarding the packages they offer, their reputation and the policies they have for their service. Have a budget in mind but also consider their years of experience and the procedures they use in restoring these beauties. Browse their FAQs page or ask former clients before making decisions.

Italian leather purses are indeed pricey. It is well-sought for its elegance, style and durability. Making it last totally depends on ones ability to care for the item. Admittedly restoring it is possible but obviously it is not cheap. Clean and store it properly to prevent it from getting damage. This can be one of the best inheritances you can give for the next generation.

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