By Linda Maynard

This plant is not only eye catching with a pleasing smell it also has a number of healing and soothing properties that are greatly beneficial to both humans and domestic animals. Lavender Scents are known to be stress reducing and assist in creating an ambiance for a good night's sleep. Its many medicinal and culinary usages were discovered far back in the mists of time by primitive cultures. These qualities have now all been affirmed by various modern day scientific research programs.

Nowadays the species commercially grown plants have become big business. Many varieties including English, French, Italian and Russian lavender are easy to cultivate in pots and small home gardens. Their blue purples shades and silvery green foliage add a touch of glamour to any garden or potted window sill.

Besides its smell its most well known properties are its calming effects and the fact that it induces sleep. Sleep patterns have been improved by regular usage in young and old insomniacs. Tests also indicate that it assists in releasing spasms, keeps blood vessels dilated and reduces nervous tension.

Often the main flavoring in many candies, cake recipes and infused beverages. In fact it can be used in a variety of ways. It is easily absorbed through the skin, can be taken in liquid form or eaten. By adding a few drops of its essential oil to a bedroom mist it creates a restful soothing ambiance. A sleep cushion filled with its flowers may also assist in calming a person. When purchasing an essential oil it is advisable to buy the purest quality available to ensure effective results.

This herb is part of the flowering plants in the mint group and was originally found in parts of Asia, India, along the Mediterranean and west and east Africa. Plants are available in annual and perennial types that are hardy and easy to cultivate. They flourish in well drained sandy soil in full sun. Commercially it is grown in vast fields for use in all types of fragrances and bath products along with all the other accepted beneficial usages. Various types in this herb species each have their own properties. Certain lavenders are considered sweeter smelling than others and contain more oils in their flowers.

The distinct flavor of lavender adds a piquant taste to certain recipes and is especially popular with confectioners. Honey derived from the herb is a favorite with many cultures. A commercial syrup manufactured from the plant is also a sought after item when making certain delectable delicacies. Sprigs of the herb are often used to embellish food dishes.

Its medicinal qualities are numerous and in various forms lavender has been used in hospitals since the early 1900's. An essential ingredient to a number of skin ointments for rashes and burns it is also to be found in headache remedies. The pure honey has been known to assist in healing of open uninfected wounds.

Cosmetically Lavender Scents are big business. They cater for a full range of products for women and men. Their distinctive cosmetics are sought after for their natural fragrances and their mixed spicy perfumes. A person may want to go online to check out what is available in their latest range.

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