By Margarita Joseph

Safety is always a high level concern for people considered "high level targets". People like the President of the United States, or the Prime Minister of Great Britain. There are always people who are considered very important and who need to remain safe at all times. People like this are exactly what the bullet proof polo was made for.

Normally a bullet proof vest is a thick vest made from a material called Kevlar. They are difficult to hide under people's clothing because they are so bulky. The alternative is a thing called Dragon Skin. It is a series of heavy and powerful ceramic type plates, also inside a vest. Both of these can stop a bullet and keep the person wearing it alive.

This is why things like this are developed. What they did is they tried their best to step inside the mind of a criminal and murderer. By doing so it told them one important fact. That if the target is not wearing a vest they will go for the easy kill. Simple fact is, they need to do their job and get out quickly.

This is a very difficult subject and one that every one takes very seriously. Some of these have been suggested to be put into schools because of the recent events involving school shooting. It would be a great idea however if someone really wants to shoot to kill, a vest will not stop them from aiming and shooting for the head.

This is why concealment is so important. If a bad guy does not think someone they are after is protected they will usually always go for the easy shot which is the chest because it is a big target and hard to miss. If someone is only wearing a shirt there is no way the shooter will think that the shirt by itself is bullet proof.

The lives that can be saved by something like this are immeasurable. The testing is so far conclusive that the material has worked so the next stages are coming and that is full scale production. There is no question how important these will be to everybody. If the material can be made into a polo, it can be made into anything else.

A couple celebrities and a King of a country in the Middle East are proud owners and few few others. Beyond that, the shirt is still undergoing some testing and further research and development. For the most part however the project was a astounding success and the polo works exactly as planned. Those involved could not be any happier.

Things like this can happen all the time. It might not be as far fetched as some might believe. This is especially true in the Middle East where private military contractors are still working in high numbers. The bullet proof polo would sure come in handy there at least.

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