Basics About A Turkish Turban

Posted by Georgy | 8/03/2013

By Cathy Mercer

Turkish turban bears a lot of meaning among its wearers in different places around the world. In some nations, it has been made part of the national dress as a way of identifying and recognizing its importance. In such nations, a majority of citizens wear the headgear. Some of the nations where bulle wearing is given a lot of meaning include Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and nations of the Middle East.

In countries where punjabis are made part of the national cloth, citizens who do not wrap them are treated with much stigma from community. In most circumstances, their security is at risk since they are made targets for attacks. They are viewed as non-believers who should not live among believers. Such claims are normally unfounded and misguided.

Turbans are called variously in different locations. Some of the names are pagg, pagri, dastar, bulle, and Punjabi. It is believed that turbans have been in existence in different places around the world only that they existed in different forms. In religions where they have been existing for the longest such as the Sikh community, they serve as an identity for the believers in the faith.

Bulles are worn by all genders and ages of people. This is used to show that gender equality is valued in Sikhism. Women can either wear a bulle alone or they can wrap a scarf over it. Some women choose to tie the scarf alone without a bulle. Children also have their own styles or dastars, which are unique to them.

A pagri may be worn for several purposes including complimenting a given look. The dastar is worn with a given piece of clothing, which it matches nicely with. Women are known to be bigger fans of matching turbans with an outfit than men. They select the color carefully and sometimes they even invent their own new styles of tying the pagg.

Dastars are made in different color shades. The colors bear varied meanings unique to every dastar wearing community. Individuals from some communities believe that green is the color shade for paradise thus green bulles are worn at funerals mostly. In most circumstances, red dastars are worn in birthday parties, weddings, and other celebrations. Longer pagris are worn on official functions like when going for business meetings.

People from all over the world have at least encountered turban wearers in way or another. It is time that all people be acquainted with dastars regardless of their backgrounds. Treating paggs as any piece of cloth is one way of ensuring there is peaceful coexistence between pagg wearers and non-wearers. People have to obey the rights of others including freedom of dressing in whatever attire one thinks is best for them.

Turkish turban might be acquired from local beauty malls or clothing lines at low costs. If one, it not contented with whatever is available in the local shops, they may opt for the services of global online sellers. Much more information on corporations that sell their merchandises online are accessible from the internet.

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