How To Do Diabetic Foot Care

Posted by Georgy | 10/02/2013

By Marla Mills

When one has diabetes, which is a chronic condition wherein one has too high of blood sugar level, there is a big chance that he will have some strange complications or conditions on his feet. Now because of this, diabetics have to really take care of their feet because their feet may swell or frequently have open wounds that do not close easily. So if one is suspected of having diabetes, then here are some tips for diabetic foot care.

Now the things that one would have to look out for would be swelling and incurable wounds. Other things that he must be on the look out for would be small cuts, some blisters, or calluses under the toes or on the heels. Another sign that one would be having complications with his foot would be if he has some red spots.

When one would have these kinds of symptoms, it is possible that he already has an illness or condition that is known as neuropathy. The first thing to do in order to address this problem is to try to curb the diabetes. By lowering the blood sugar levels of the body, one will be able to prevent future instances of this.

Ginseng and cinnamon are two good natural remedies that may decrease blood sugar. Also, usually people who have diabetes would have a deficiency in fibers in the body. Now if one would lack fiber in the body, then he will definitely end up with some chronic problems because he does not have proper bowel movements.

Now one way to be able to prevent the feet from getting strange wounds, swelling, and other symptoms, one may just soak them in some lukewarm water. Along with the lukewarm water, he has to use soap that is weak on the skin so that new inflammations do not come out. Remember never to use hot water as this will definitely damage the skin.

Aside from properly washing the feet, it is also very important that one moisturizes them regularly. For this type of job, he may either opt to use lotions or some moisturizers that can be found in the market quite easily. Since the feet of someone with this condition tend to dry up easily, it is very important to constantly keep them moist.

The socks and shoes of the individual also play a very important role in the treatment of neuropathy. If one does not wear the right type of socks, then he will frequently get all kinds of cuts, wounds, and blisters. Same thing goes for not wearing comfortable shoes because if he wears the wrong kind of shoes, he might get frequent foot injuries.

So basically, those are some of the general things to do if one is a diabetic. These diabetic foot care tips will definitely not cure the condition, but it will help the patient be able to minimize the damage that the condition causes. With this, he will not have such a hard time when he is going about with his daily routines.

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