By Tamika Armstrong

Many people think of healing stones in terms of mysterious crystal points and gemstone wands. It is important to know that any jewelry that contains semi-precious or precious stones can be used in crystal work. You can have healing gemstone jewelry custom-made, or you can learn to properly use the jewels you already have available.

Setting stones and crystals in elegant settings means they will be convenient to carry anywhere. They will look very attractive and many people will not even know what you are using them for. Popular settings include wire-wrapped crystals hung from chains, or a number of stone beads put together to form a necklace or bracelet.

The best settings for energy stones are silver and gold. Energy is more efficiently conducted by these metals. If you do not prefer precious metals, any metal or other material can be used. Popular materials include leather and linen twine.

Stones will be effective whether they are highly polished and faceted, or completely rough. Some particular stones will take on additional energetic properties when combined with certain other gems. To amplify the effects of any stone, wear it in combination with a colorless, clear stone such as quartz or diamond.

Small stones are just as effective as very large ones. The stone's size and weight will not effect its energetic properties. Also keep in mind that it is not necessary to wear the stone on the affected part of the body. A stone worn anywhere will direct its energies to wherever they are needed.

No one category of jewelry is more effective than another. Necklaces, rings, pendants, bracelets, and earrings are all acceptable ways of incorporating energy stones into your accessorizing. Wearing several of the same stone all over the body is a good way to amplify the energy of each piece.

Learning the proper way to wear your favorite precious jewels is an easy step toward natural health. You can easily keep all your favorite stones with you while looking fabulous. Try using stones of different sizes, weights, and textures. Keep in mind that stones are effective when worn anywhere. To improve the health energies of your stones, wear several of the same stone at one time. You may also wear stones along with clear gems such as quartz, to amplify a stone's energy. A little knowledge will take you a long way in understanding how to incorporate the best properties of healing gemstone jewelry into your wardrobe.

healing gemstone jewelry

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