By Julia Adams

Photography is a lot more that just trying to take a clear shot of something in decent lighting. It is definitely a form of art. There are many different techniques that can be used in photography. You'll need to be able to see what looks good, and pay attention to details that others might overlook. Follow these great photo tips.

If possible, you want the photo subject to be directly looking at the camera. For some unique pictures, try to have your subject look off the camera, have them focus on something outside the field of view of the camera. You could also have them focus on an item that is within the frame of the picture.

Photographs of people don't have to be limited to facial shots. There are interesting features, like the hands, feet and legs, that can be the subject of you photos.

Most cameras only allow you to focus on either highlights or shadows in one picture. However, it's possible to take two pictures of your subject, one exposing each, and use a program such as Photoshop to blend the two pictures into one perfect photograph.

When photographing nature and landscapes, always be aware of your surroundings. Be appreciative of the beauty of nature and do not litter, smoke or otherwise sully it. Don't try to set up a scene in nature. Just take the beautiful photograph in front of you.

Try to add scaling to your photos by using people. This is especially important for large items or natural structures. When you include a person, animal, or some other familiar object, the viewer gains a point of reference. This will help them grasp the size of the primary item in your photograph.

Truly unique pictures are often the result of trying new ideas and experimenting. When you take photographs, you should be working to develop your own personal style. You want to show the photographed item through your point of view. Stay away from taking classic pictures that people have seen a million times. Instead, shoot from unique angles, and be creative with your compositions.

The key to a great picture is knowing what scenes and environments require flash or not. Don't just use the flash all the time. Sometimes, too much light can ruin a great picture. Use it when you're shooting in low-light.

Instead of just letting the pictures be what they already are, you should set up the scenes in them yourself. Don't be afraid to tell your subjects how and where to position themselves. If you successfully dictate the aspects within your frame, your photos have better quality than if you just stand passively by and shoot without providing direction to your subject.

Photography is a complex art which takes time and patience to learn, and it is not mastered overnight. A good shot is either there, or it isn't. By forcing it, you will have disappointing, lazy pictures.

Manually adjust the white balance before you snap a photo. This is an easy way to get a more professional looking photo. There is a little bit of a learning curve as you figure out what looks right, but using the manual white balance allows you to be creative with your photographs.

Make sure that the settings on your camera are set up for the kind of picture that you want to take. For instance, you will need to increase the shutter speed to catch an object in motion. You can make sure that every picture - or at least a greater percentage of them - is marvelous when you get the camera settings right.

As you have just read about in the above article, photography is great for capturing that special moment in time and also that fleeting moment you might not have otherwise caught. With the information absorbed in this article, you will be on your way to shooting professional-quality photos.

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