By Caleb Brooks

Takes great pictures and holds up to teenage kids. Biggest problem with other cameras the teens would drop and that would be the end. I also really like the rechargeable battery; just like my cell phone it charges as I have it plugged in to the USB port. I think it will pay for itself just in the battery savings alone. If you expect more of the camera, get something bigger and more elaborate but it will cost you. This camera is great, I mean waterproof, and you can't beat it! Olympus has said that the warranty will cover it but I made the mistake to not save all the paperwork. However I am still considering buying a new Olympus because I really like the thought of a water proof camera and the picture quality was good.

What I love about it is that you can set the scene to whatever environment you are in. It also has a function that allows for shooting continuously.

You can't tell the difference in speed of the photos being taken. Slow, very slow. This camera has been dropped by a 3 year old on the concrete, used to snorkel under water, and caught some wonderful spur of the moment HD video. Let's just say if you have the correct setting, the photos are fantastic.

I used to get an occasional blurry shot with my other cameras from them not focusing well on moving objects (kids) but with this one I haven't had a bad shot yet on the kids running in the yard. It truly is amazing. Does this camera do anything automatically" Good for the money, it shoots underwater and is small and shock-proof. This does the job of both of my previous cameras, plus adds underwater options, all while taking up a quarter of the space. The only thing I would change is the delay before it takes the video or picture.

This was my 6th Olympus camera. I have been a fan of the cameras ease and durability. While I will admit the shutter lag (time in between shots) is not the fastest it is also not the slowest and actually is about the same as any previous point and shoot I have owned in the past. The best feature I have used so far is the panoramic view and how easy it is to use and how it leaves part of the last frame on there so you can line it up just right. I have also used it in low light and I amazed with how well it captured the bon fire and we could still see all the faces of the people around the fire as well.

No problems with hooking it up to the computer. Just plug it in and there it is.

I wanted a waterproof camera I could take while fly fishing and not worry about it getting rained on or soaked if I fell in the river. The environment this camera withstood is a testament to how good a product it is; it rained nearly every day, the temp varied each day from low 40s to mid 60s F.

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