By Patrice McCoy

Although technical specifications for a camera and its lenses are very important, when considering the purchase of a new Cannon 0345B002 lens, other factors may weigh in the decision as well. For example, some customers will heavily prefer online technical support available around the clock or seven days a week, some customers may appreciate a User's Manual available online, and others may prefer to investigate whether a warranty is offered by the manufacturer. More personal preferences might be taken into account as well, such as the lenses already owned and how much room is available in a camera bag for a new lens.

Online forums and user reviews of camera equipment often focus heavily on the technical aspects of a lens or camera. But investigating non-technical elements may contribute meaningfully to the purchasing decision and can be taken into account early on in the process. Some people value highly the support offered for their products from the manufacturer and the availability of experts, online or on the phone, to answer questions regarding installation or use of the product.

Because the marketplace has gone global, the hours that technical support are available may be a factor to consider. Many times the middle of the workday in southeast Asia may correspond with the late night hours at the customer's location. Availability may also be expanded via the web or available over the phone for customers who do not feel comfortable with online assistance.

Frequently, customers prefer to find their own solutions by utilizing an Owner's Manual. Many customers will download the manual and install it on their own home computers. This makes keeping track of each manual simple and makes it easy to find when the customer wants to consult it about a question regarding the lens.

The warranty offered either by the manufacture or the distributor can be an area to check before deciding to purchase. Sometimes the extended warranty will duplicate the one that came with the photographic equipment originally or even expand the coverage. Some customers may not need additional coverage because their cameras and equipment are covered under their home owners insurance coverage, rental insurance coverage or an individual policy that protects personal electronics and jewelry that can be added on as a rider to larger policies.

Of course, not everyone will have the same priorities when purchasing photographic equipment. Individual priorities can and do vary. If the camera bag must be carried long distances, for example, the space available inside and the weight of the bag should be considered before adding an additional lens.

The compatibility of the lens with existing equipment may also be a deciding factor or something to consider when researching a new lens. If another lens has a similar depth of field or speed, the photographer may not decide to add to his set up for a few new features.

Considering adding a new lens, like the Cannon 0345B002 to the camera bag is a decision that goes beyond technical specifications and is well worth investigating thoroughly beforehand.

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