By Kerri Turner

A lot of people who are drawn to the production side of the music industry obtain their skills through practice, guidance from someone they know and self study in between. Many of these people become great at what they do, but without getting your Pro Tools Certification Los Angeles studios may be reluctant to hire you. Many of the high end commercial studios in particular want to see some proof that you are competent in using the program.

Getting certified will give you the necessary theoretical knowledge that self taught producers may take much longer to gain. Likewise, self taught producers have a unique sense of skill and practical application that cannot necessarily be taught. This is why both approaches work, but a combination of the two will really enhance your skill level and overall competency.

It is possible to learn most of the theory using help guides and online resources without getting any formal training. However, doing a course will make your learning more structured and systematic. It will possibly fast track the theory part of your learning or fine tune your skills if you already have extensive knowledge of the program. This means you will have more time to be creative because the theoretical knowledge will help you to find the quickest solutions to basic issues.

Completing a course is also a good way to make sure that you learn multiple ways of doing the same thing and can choose the best method for each situation. You may also learn functions that you were not away of or that you did not realize the full potential of usefulness of.

Another benefit is that getting certified may help with finding employment, particularly in high end studios that want to see something on paper before hiring. On the other hand, other studios may be more impressed by your reputation or specific work that you have done.

It is really a matter of thinking about what skill set you have and what a certificate would mean for you. If you already have sought after contacts and great experience you might be able to find your dream job already, but if you are a beginner with very little experience, having a piece of paper saying what you can do might help you to get recognized more easily.

The downside of using only your certificate to get a great job is that you may end up in a situation where a big, commercial studio hires you and then you feel overwhelmed and like you do not have the real world experience to make you truly competent. For this reason, it is a good idea to start building valuable contacts and learning from experienced producers early on.

Some of the courses are also quite expensive, which may put some people off. However, one should consider what that certificate can do for you and what your ultimate goals are. If you are in a band or have a home studio and just want to do some basic recording and mixing as a hobby or on a small scale, you may find that learning on your own is more than adequate. If you are serious about becoming a professional producer, however, getting certified may give you the career boost that you need.

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