By Allan Hatchell

European landscapes are some of the finest in the world and are captured on film by many in their role as professional artists and photographers. They use expensive equipment produced by the best manufacturers to bring their photographs to life. They have extensive technical knowledge, experience and the skills to bring their subject to life.

Many amateur photographers have a natural instinct for what makes a good picture. Their equipment and technical abilities can sometimes hold them back from achieving the perfect results. However, even with a lack of experience and knowledge of the technicalities, most can capture some attractive and saleable landscape photos. However, they rarely see the light of day outside the confines of family and friends.

Developments in technology and the increasing use of the internet, especially social media sites, have created a platform allowing photographers to showcase their work. Internet users can view landscape photos from many countries around the world. The tourism and travel industry will commission photographers to produce photographs for travel brochure and other promotional events.

Italian landscape photos of the Western Alps include peaceful and majestic views, you will find anywhere in Europe. Photographers often visit Italy during the fine weather months from April to October. They find that the landscapes and the sunlight allow them to capture the best scenery on film.

France is on the other side of the Western Alps and provides photographers with many unique photo opportunities. Other countries such as Germany has its own natural attractions, such as the River Danube and the Black Forest. The UK has the Loch Ness, where tourist hope to capture a photo of a monster, and Ben Nevis which is a national treasure. The one thing all European countries have in common is exceptional landscapes and natural wildlife photo opportunities.

Even if you cannot afford to visit all these exceptional places, you can still enjoy the best scenic views. Choose some of your favorites to use as screen-savers on your computer. You can visit galleries and exhibitions and enjoy and perhaps buy yourself some of the worldwide photography landscapes to hang on your walls at home.

Many landscape and wildlife pictures promote a feeling of peace and can transport you in your mind to your favorite European landscapes. It is not unusual for therapists to encourage clients to use landscape imagery in their relaxation exercises. If clients are really relaxed they can feel like they are in that landscape soaking up the peaceful and tranquil environment.

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