Hilarious T Shirts Ideas And Tips

Posted by Georgy | 11/25/2012

By Dianne Crane

These days, giving of gifts can be done in more ways than one. You can give hilarious t shirts, for instance. With all the generic shirt design these days circling in the market bearing logo of brand names without even caring to put in some graphic presentation, coming up with a few giggles is definitely more exciting. Notwithstanding the efforts, making your own funny design can actually be done with careful planning and some chuckles on the sidelines.

T-shirts being one of the commonly worn garments by all gender and ages are definitely great ideas to give. It could be a walking advertisement, a tool for information drives, expression of freedom or simply everyday stylish yet laid-back wear. A great Christmas present to give, it also is one of the most lighthearted if designs are done accordingly. There is simply something light and happy when done with humor.

Try coming up with your own by playing with ideas. Get witty. Create a clever rhyme or make use of popular picture that have you laughing your guts out. From visual gags to funny quotes, riotous one-liners and so on, you can deliver one of the most memorable gift this Christmas, one that will forever mark a smile on the receiver's face when they see it.

Practice with extra care when copying something from the web. Even a quote or a picture with watermarks on it can fine you when not authorized. That is what you call copyright infringement. One best way is to use public stuff but when you found one on a website or a blog, you can actually ask for permission stating that it is not for re-sale but rather for gift-giving purposes. In a way, it could mean extra marketing for them.

Make sure to consider the company values that you wish to project. There is no sense hitting below the belt or using offensive lines and pictures no matter how funny they may sound. Take into consideration also your target market and the people who will be on the receiving end. You might try dividing your design by making one for women and another for men. Dogs wearing tutu or money drinking tequila shots may be hilarious to one group and nasty to another.

If you wish to do it with less hassle, finding a supplier/designer which can provide you unique designs will definitely be a great idea. You no longer have to fry your neurons of making one. Just browse and choose the design you want. Instead of limited offline suppliers, online variety are definitely much better options. Choose your online merchant well and make sure that it can provide you one-of-a-kind design and much lower cost.

Make use of your expertise in searching online t-shirt printing and designing sites. The internet holds hundreds of supplier. Make sure to take note of important factors like fabric, design variations, delivery time, bulk price, discounts, and returns policy in case of damages. Steer clear of suppliers with vague terms and policy.

Indeed, hilarious t shirts as Christmas gift can serve two purposes. It can be used to show your gratitude to your clients and loyal patrons as well as a promotional item. Rewarding and unique, this will definitely bring a huge grin on a recipient's face. Make sure to incorporate your logo at the back or the sleeves for business identity. In all these, choosing your designer and supplier carefully will prove to be rewarding.

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