By Dianne Crane

Earning extra money can be done in more ways than one these days. When the tides are high and the funds are low, finding a way to carve a working identity for yourself is important to keep both ends meet. When you have kids who depend on you, the responsibility of putting food on the table and clothes on their back lies in your hands. You can begin with buying and selling of novelty t shirts for men.

Create your own ideas in designing a t-shirt. You can make use of hilarious quotes or visual gags to tickle their funny bone. You may also try doodling if you have any skills in creative arts or graphic designs. There are wide-ranging software versions available online that you can feel free to use when you want to design one on your own. One best thing about it is that you will not find it anywhere since you are the one who created it.

For faster and much easier initiative, try tapping online wholesalers and designers/suppliers who can deliver to your bulk orders. Make use of your internet savvy in searching for them online. Scour major search engines and web directories to land with a reliable one. Feel free to verify with the Better Business Bureau for efficient results. There are also online forums and review sites which you might find handy in your search. Choose ones which can give you credit terms.

Most online shirt wholesale businesses usually have templates and designs which one can freely browse and choose. Feel free to ask for a downloadable portfolio or catalog. If possible, ask for fabric swatches to guarantee quality of finished items. Some of these online merchants provide great discount incentives which can be a great help when you are still starting up.

When you have a boutique or a flea market stall, make sure to test the waters with a few items first. Make close observation on how they fare with your target clients and look for potential markets at the same time. Advertise them as gift items for husbands, boyfriends or brothers. These novelty items can even be done on baby tees to fit youth groups and even women.

Reselling online can be very productive. To save on overhead and inventory cost, consider investing in dropshipping. No storage necessary. All you need to have is a website, a good marketing plan and a steady partnership with a reliable supplier or online manufacturer who can ship around the globe for you. You no longer have to obtain huge money capitalization.

All you need is a sound marketing plan to guarantee reaching out to a wider market.Make use of online networking site as part of your marketing propaganda. Make use of your thousands of listed friends and friends of friends. Aside from your free standing e-commerce site, create your own page like in Facebook to market your shirt designs. Send tweet to friends and followers in case of sale or price drops.

Making extra cash out of novelty t shirts for men may sound like a taxing endeavor but when done accordingly, rewards can be great. You may choose to sell it to actual markets or do it in the cyber market where everyone seems to be converging of late. Keeping your head above water this way may make you feel suffocated at first but, in the long run, rewards can be truly great.

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