How To Buy Plus Size Prom Dresses

Posted by Georgy | 11/24/2012

By Dianne Crane

There are some easy tips for choosing plus size prom dresses. By following these tips you will learn how to show off the parts that you want to and how to minimize those that you feel less happy with. Once you know these tricks you will be able to walk into a shop and immediately know what will and will not work for you.

Take your measurements. Jot down them down and take note of where you are largest. This is the part that the dress you choose must fit. A common mistake is to try to squeeze into a dress that fits your smaller areas. This often results in you being uncomfortable all evening and what you're wearing not looking its best. It is better to get something that fits perfectly in your larger area. You can then take it to be altered. The result is something that feels great and looks great.

Think about the parts of your body you are happy with. These are the parts that your dress should draw attention to. Next think about the parts you do not like as much. These are the parts that you are going to mask with simple tricks. For example, a belted dress will accentuate that great waistline that you have. At the same time it will be drawing attention away from other areas that you do not want to draw attention to.

On the other hand, if you consider your waist area a problem, you do not want to draw attention to it. Likewise if your lower half is larger and your top half is smaller, you will want to create more balance. Do this will a beautiful shawl. It will cover up the fact that your top is smaller than your bottom.

If you love your legs, show them off. If you are one who thinks that a formal dress must be long, you are wrong. Wear something with an uneven hemline that will allow those great legs to be seen. Don't go for a mini, but you don't have to go for a gown either. Usually a dress shop will have several options that are formal, yet not a long gown. You should be able to find something with no problem.

A dress which is lighter at the top and darker at the bottom will make you look taller. If you want to make your body appear longer this is the style for you. Play around with different colors to find the ones that look best on you.

Wear underthings that are made to make you look slimmer. There are many on the market that will instantly make you look thinner. Just put them on and look like you lost weight and toned up. Wear these when you go shopping so you do not end up with a dress that is a bit too large.

Plus size prom dresses are really no different from other size prom dresses. The same rules apply. Buy something you feel you look stunning in.

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