By Lou Manning

To get fanatic apparel, you have to go to the stores that stock the right kind of gear. There is nothing like trendy clothing and accessories to make a person stand out from the crowd and get noticed. Your style of dress says a lot about you so make sure your shopping sends out the right messages.

Perhaps the most sure fire way to get a great look that will get you noticed, is to invest in designer clothing. Go for designers who most conceptualise in their wear what you want to express about your personality to the outside world. There are several ways to get designer wear so ensure you are aware of them all.

Many of the most well known names in haute couture will be individuals with a high public interest factor. As such there is always much news and information to read about them and you will do well to keep abreast of what is being written about them. You should follow the designers that interest you on websites such as Face Book or Twitter. By doing so, you will have first hand information about their next fashion exhibitions.

You should also do you best to attend as many fashion shows as you can. This will give you the earliest access to new collections that have been released by your favourite designers. Sometimes it may be difficult to get to some of the most important shows, especially if they are held in other countries. However, many advanced economy countries including some in North America, Europe and Asia, will all have seasons when the designers descend on their cities for great fashion extravaganzas such as New York Fashion Week.

If you live in New York and the next fabulous fashion show is in Hong Kong, it may not be possible for you to attend in person. The next best thing is to watch the filming of it as soon as possible. This is where satellite and cable TV come into their own. There are TV channels that are devoted to fashion and all the latest fashion shows are televised live or broadcast very soon afterwards. Also check the internet because many are also uploaded as videos. It might be difficult to get the whole show online but you should be able to find individual exhibitions by designer.

You should also read some of the fashion magazines to get fantastic reviews of new collections. Critics are your best friend when choosing what to wear. They will be able to say how a certain collection is likely to be received. They can talk about the practicality of the clothing and whether or not it is nice or not. Now, you may feel that you can make your own decisions on the desirability of styles but critics often are the people who can make or break a collection and decide whether something will be fashionable or not.

Fashion trends are often set by celebrities so it is a good idea to keep up to date with celebrity culture. Look at the movie stars or musicians who most embrace the style that you would like to emulate. Follow them on social networks so that you can know when they are going to appear on red carpet events or chat shows. You then keep track of what they are wearing.

Fanatic apparel is easier to get a hold of than you might think. The trick is to keep up to date with those who create it, those who stock it and those who wear it.

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