Creating Photo Birth Announcements

Posted by Georgy | 10/10/2009

By Glifford Rich

There is no better way to announce the birth of your baby than with photo birth announcements. To get started, the first thing you will need to do is take the actual picture that you will send out to all your friends and relatives. This will save you time and money, and you can keep your newborn in the comfort of your own home rather than going to a professional. If you go this route, put your camera on its highest resolution setting, which will make sure your picture is focused and clear. One thing to consider when you are taking pictures for your photo birth announcements is your lighting.

First things first, check the lighting in your home, and figure out which shades you need to pull down or leave. You might need to use the flash on your camera, but it is best to take a few with and a few without, just in case.

With this free software, look at how you want to crop your picture. Many birth photos actually look better when they are close ups on the face, or taken from the chest up, instead of full body shots. This is because close ups capture more of the uniqueness and individuality of your baby, which is the whole point of photo birth announcements.

An important aspect of all photo birth announcements is the angle and range of your photo. Typically, you want to stay away from full body photos, and instead do something that is a close up of your baby?s face or something from the chest up. The reason for this is that you want to show off all the little character traits and things that make your baby unique.

When you have everything squared away for your picture, the next thing on your agenda will be to choose a design and layout for your announcement. You will want a design that works hand in hand with your picture, so be sure to keep your picture at hand, so that you can make informed decisions.

Keep the color of your picture in mind, for example, if you have a vivid color photo, you might want to use a muted background in order to keep things simple and uncomplicated. The same is true in the opposite situation, as a black and white photo looks great with a color background.

While you do not want to create monochromatic photo birth announcements, it is still a good idea to use colors from your photo and incorporate these accents into your announcement. These accent colors can tie the whole thing together, and give your announcements a professional feel. The way to make this successful is to choose an accent color, rather than a dominant color that will wash everything out.

If you are using a black and white photo, typically blue photo birth announcements work better than some of the warmer colors, like yellow. These cooler colors keep your photo birth announcements from looking dingy, which is something you will want to avoid. When you choose a winning combination, you can make sure that your photo birth announcements are so adorable, that no one will ever want to take them down off the fridge.

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