By Connor Sullivan

Kendra and Josh were engaged and planning a summer ceremony but were experiencing difficulty deciding where they should have this event take place. Once they had looked into the choices they had it seemed that both of them were drawn time and again to a destination event. They had always been attracted to southern California and when they searched around they discovered that there were absolutely loads of beautiful places that would cater to their wishes and would provide the gorgeous scenery and accommodations they desired. They found that they were fascinated with the idea of a Santa Ynez wedding where they could be married in one of the lovely wineries offering excellent wines and a magnificent atmosphere. In addition, of particular interest to them was an Ojai wedding. They were mesmerized by the small valley that was so breathtakingly beautiful that Frank Capra used it to represent Shangri La in his film "Lost Horizons." The only drawback was the cost of such an extravaganza but they were determined if they decided to pursue this adventure they would be able to save the money needed to finance such an affair. After some serious soul searching and brain storming they were able to come to a few thoughts that were certain to add to their savings and assure them that their dream would come true.

Taking lunch to work every day rather than on those infrequent occasions there happens to be appealing leftovers will prove to be a tremendous way to save money. Planning meals ahead of time ensures that there are ample leftovers and at hand ingredients to make fresh, appetizing offerings for each day of the week.

Eating out less frequently and dining at home also saves many dollars and will honestly start to be a pleasant habit in due time. Following a meal plan and writing grocery lists turns out to be routine and easier as time goes on and creates a sense of control over wasted income. Using a crock pot can be a very good idea because it can be filled, turned on and left to cook all day long ensuring a yummy meal as soon as you get home from work.

Car pooling is an often overlooked way to save money because many people don't want to be inconvenienced by leaving a little earlier in the morning to pick someone up or arriving home a little later by dropping someone off at their home. It cannot be denied though that with the cost of gasoline, it is well worth the effort to pool resources and divide the cost of the fuel.

Cutting coupons is repeatedly thought to be of no importance because the value saved is such a small amount at a time but it is important to always remember that the savings add up when coupons are consistently used. Yes, it does take time to be organized enough to browse through the newspaper and flyers that are mailed to your home but the savings can be significant when these coupons are used correctly to buy only the items that a person really needs.

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