By Pete Fontaine

You may be living in luxury in that 40 foot motor home or roughing it for a few weeks in a camper, but you can bring one of the comforts of home with you by having your photos scanned. Most people would never consider taking their photo albums in a recreational vehicle because of the storage requirements and the added possibility of damage while traveling. Now you don't have to worry about storage or damage issues.

It's easy to take your entire photo collection anywhere. Every photo you have can be stored on a DVD or two. Some people elect to scan their own photograph by purchasing a scanner. Others decide to send them to a professional photo scanning service. With some great scanning services charging as little as a nickel each this is a popular choice.

Aside from making your photos portable, photo scanning stops them from everyday deterioration and aging. Making several complete copies of your images and storing them in different places insures that they are never lost or destroyed by natural causes. And scanning makes it easy to share complete copies with each family member.

One great way to view your photos once you have them scanned is to create a slideshow that you can watch on TV. This is the perfect project for those evenings "on the trail". Slideshow software makes it easy to add captions to your photographs and also include your favorite music. If you're not feeling that creative, you can easily find companies that will build a slideshow just the way you want it.

You might consider displaying your photos on a digital picture frame. Recently digital frames have come down a lot in price. There are some rather nice picture frames for $100 or so that will allow you to display your photos as a slideshow, and even play music. And memory cards are so inexpensive that you can store your entire photo collection on them for a few dollars. If you are traveling to visit family or going to meet new friends having your photos on a digital picture frame will be a treat.

If you have more than a few photos, scanning them yourself can end up as one of those unfinished projects. Photo scanning can be incredibly boring. So think about using one of the photo scanning services found online. You should first try to get an idea of what your needs are, and then shop carefully. Don't pay extra to have your photos scanned at more than 300 dpi, because in the vast majority of cases it does not produce better images. Search "Photo Scanning Recommendations" by this author for more information on how to choose a photo scanning service.

So now you're in business. You're rolling down the highway, your family's precious memories are not only protected from damage and destruction, but wherever you go you have that little piece of home with you. You can add new digital pictures you are taking to your collection, but now they won't be in two different forms. They will all be digitized, easy to store, easy to duplicate, and easy to view and enjoy. Happy Motoring!

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