By Jayson Ripley

In order to understand how digital orthophotography can be useful you will first need to know about it and of course what it entails. By the time you have finished reading this article this is the information that you will have. Basically it is the technology of old used alongside new technology in order to create something that has many different uses.

This is something that you may have seen, pictures of your area taken form high above, but these pictures have any kind of distortion taken form them using the digital technology we are lucky to have.

The orthophotography pictures are taken from a height of 5'000 feet and such pictures can be scaled so that you will be able to get accurate distances from one place to another without such things as buildings and hills being in the way.

It is also used for measurement purposes, and the best way that I can describe it is to compare it to fitting a carpet. If you wanted to fit a carpet into your house before you could purchase it you would need to know the exact size, this is something that you cannot do with guesswork otherwise you could end up with not enough or too much material, this is the same when you think of building structure. If you were to measure the room for the carpet you would not be dragging the tape measure over the furniture in the room, you would do so from the walls as you would be sure they are the clearest space, and if not you would move the obstacle in the way, of course a building would not be as easy to move as your television, neither would a hill or mountain which is why taking a clear photograph from up above is an easier way to do it.

There are lots of businesses and organizations that make use of orthophotography and to name but a few is the environmental heritage service in Ireland. They are responsible for nature conservation and use the orthophotography to show how certain landmarks and places are changed over time by certain environmental changes.

You can not always tell a change such as this one if you were to take photographs from the ground, plus it would take a lot more photographs to cover the area than one taken from up high.

The picture quality is so good that you can even see objects such as a sheep dip, so you can see where this would be useful, especially useful when it comes to people having illegal dumping grounds. In an area that is big this could easily go without being detected but with orthophotography this is not the case and the operation would be put a stop to, this saving our environment.

As you can see there are many uses to orthophotography and it will continue to have its uses for many years to come.

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