By Randy Rushmore

You may have doubts about how waterproof your digital camera really is and just to be on the safe side you may wish to purchase an underwater digital camera housing case. These clever gadgets are designed to be a watertight seal around the camera and protect it from the elements. They are generally made of sturdy materials such as aluminum and moulded plastic.

Many cameras say that they are waterproof but there is no guarantee of exactly how waterproof it actually is. There is no way of telling beforehand if the camera is likely to get damaged if it goes down too far in the water. This is entirely the reason why so many photographers purchase an underwater digital camera housing even though the guidelines say that there equipment is already waterproof.

It is important to note that these housings are designed to fit specific brands and models and so it is highly unlikely that you will find a "one size that fits all" underwater digital camera housing. The amount you will pay for this equipment differs greatly; you may find one that only costs $30 whereas many are selling for amounts like $450. The higher the cost, the more likely that the underwater digital camera housing is more specific about which brand it can be used with.

You may think that this is quite an expensive attachment, but it is worth the money if it means that you do not have to replace your camera. If you are serious about underwater photography then it pays to keep your equipment in perfect working order so that it lasts you a lifetime.

Of course, if you are going on a beach holiday and are just looking for a cheap alternative, you can purchase a disposable waterproof camera. A disposable waterproof camera is specifically designed to be used in the water only a handful of times but it still produces high quality pictures. You can purchase many kinds of disposable waterproof camera; they are widely available on the internet and on the high street.

Similarly, there are many retailers on the World Wide Web that can provide you with the housing you need for your digital camera. The information on which brand is compatible with which camera is easy to browse through. Many stockists offer online discounts and may offer free delivery or shipping direct to your door.

Once you receive your underwater digital camera housing unit, it is important to test it for leaks. You can do this by placing the camera in the unit and then submersing it in a tub of water. If you see any bubbles then it is most likely there is a leak. You should also test the unit before using it in the water for the first time. There are O Rings placed around the outside of the unit which are vital in keeping the camera waterproof. If these are damaged or become clogged with hair or dust, it may develop into a slow leak.

Purchasing an underwater digital camera housing unit is one of the best ways to ensure your camera does not get damaged and that you are free to take some spectacular photographs of the fascinating underwater world.

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