By Joel Wong

Wedding days are well known to be very stressful. From when you wake up to when you crash down asleep you would have been on the go all day long.

Your once-in-a-life-time special day should be stress free. But if you want to experience this then you will need to plan very well. There is always so much to do on your actual wedding day so planning will make it flow better.

You will be run off your feet on your wedding day no matter how well you plan your day. But the better you plan then the better your experience will be.

All the stress can be totally relieved as long as you plan well and get lots of support from your family and friends and your wedding professionals.

Ten years ago Pre-Wedding photography started to become very popular in Singapore. The reason was that many couples simply found that their actual wedding day was too stressful and way too full.

Switched on bridal photographers started to offer pre-bridal photography packages so that not only could the stress be removed from the actual day, any risk with bad weather was removed and also then an album was available at the reception.

Pre-wedding packages come in all shapes and sizes. Most of the packages offered will include both outdoor shots as well as studio shots. Simply ask your photographer what will be included in your package.

As well as ensuring you get a great set of photographs for your album, pre-bridal photos mean that you have something special to show at your actual wedding to your guests, which is always nice.

Like all good ideas, pre-wedding photography has caught on around the world. It may not be called pre-wedding photography but the idea still exists. Just ask your professional bridal photographer about including this option when they give you a price.

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