By Kerisha Collins

Ralf is an advanced practitioner of Illustration. He has mastered Photo, Nature and Traditional Illustrations to compile an amazing online portfolio.

Born and raised in Nuremburg, Germany, he broke out into the freelance world in 1991, to pursue the design dream. He is now a member of the Association of Art in Erlangen and a member of the German Designers Alliance.

Ralf has incorporated his knowledge, gathered over the many years of his practice of airbrushing mix-techniques, painting fine colour shades and photorealism in his designs. These are a few of the skills he specialises in.

He believes that the process of gradually improving your knowledge are the steps towards becoming the best you can be, as there is always something new to learn about current techniques every day.

2003 saw Ralf enter a new form of design. Learning the skills of a putty knife saw him become an Abstract artist. He saw this as an opportunity to do something else he loved and it is popular with the viewers.

He has now formed a new way of designing, a technique which uses painting and photographs in one design. These techniques and skills must be developed side by side so they fit well with each other. It will be easy to identify when something is not right, when it's taking the photorealism out of the design.

Ralf will spend most of his time in front of the screen nowadays. He likes to stick to tight schedules, which he has mastered along with becoming a digital artist since 1998. But he knows that you need to master the art of painting, even though you have all these digital aids.

Clients from all over the world have had a Ralf Kunstmann design, including Audi, Hoerzu, Zentis, Stern, Messe Muenchen and many, many more.

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