By Marcella Finlay-Ross

Many people are now choosing to store their pictures digitally rather than the way they used to - in big bulky albums. In fact, there are many benefits that a digital photo album can provide. I would like to share with you these benefits, so that you too can see what it has to offer.

If you have a digital camera then you are already benefiting from the fact that you don't have to print off pictures that aren't flattering or didn't turn out well. Plus you're able to keep the pictures in digital form on your computer, so you don't have to worry about cluttering up your house with boxes and storage.

Although it is possible to store your pictures on the hard drive of your computer, there is always the risk that your computer will break down or have the memory wiped due to a virus or crash. This isn't a problem if you store your pictures online. Most photo sharing sites do all the backing up for you, meaning that never again have to suffer the upset of losing the memories of your most precious days.

Unlike the old kind of film processing, you are able to get rid of the pictures you do not want before you print them. You also can select which photos you do want to print, and there is no need to print off all of the pictures that you take. You can keep them on your computer until you are ready, only printing off the ones you want. In the end, it's much less expensive than it used to be.

Keeping your photos in a digital photo album means that you can name your photos, search through them and edit them as needed. You can choose to label the photographs by name, event, date or however you wish and you can also put them into separate online albums which means they are there fast whenever you need them.

The websites that offer the service of online photo albums also tend to offer other services such as using your pictures to create jigsaw puzzles, as well as mugs and key rings.

When ordering prints you can have them delivered to your front door, so there is no need to drive back to the photo shop and collect them days later, as you would have to do with the conventional method.

Modern technology and the clever minds that have created such programs continue to benefit many people all over the world. The process is so simple that even those with only basic computer knowledge are able to benefit.

This method of storage will be able to save you both time and money and means that your pictures are kept safe and can be accessed from any computer with internet access. So wherever you are, you can show off your pictures without having to haul around that great big photo album with you!

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