By David Ball

Your wedding day is a day that you remember for the rest of your life. However, like every other day of this type, like your first birthday, your graduation day, you first steps, there will be some moments that you will not be able to remember, which is why they have invented photographers, and why you may want to consider getting wedding portrait photography for your wedding.

You can of course choose to have this kind of photography taken on the day of your wedding, but this can cause a delay in the ceremony. You could do the photographs before hand, unless you don't want your husband to be to see you in your dress.

The great thing about this kind of photography is that you have more control over everything. You have more control over the time you have and you don't have to worry about the guests waiting too long. You can also benefit from perfect lighting and weather conditions if you have a planned day out to do your wedding photography, whether it is inside the studio or outdoors.

Well one of the top ways you can get your wedding photo portraits is to create a break between the ceremony and the wedding reception. Some people have this in two different venues anyway, so you can always leave an hour or two between them, or you can make sure you have entertainment for an hour or two at the reception before you make your grand entrance.

With some wedding portraits the photographer will want to set up a special place that you will have your photos taken. This can be in the venue you are doing your reception, at the church or your ceremony venue, or even at a studio.

Outdoor photos are more difficult to plan and light, so you will have to trust the photographer to get the best shots possible for your special day.

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