By Vince Terry

If you have been asked to photograph a wedding it can be a daunting thought. It's a day when so much can go wrong. Therefore you want to be as prepared as possible. The most important thing to remember is that wedding digital photography is no different than the normal digital photography you do. But it is important to be clear on the things you need to do on the day.

The first thing is so simple you don't even think of it. Simply, turn the sound off on your camera. It isn't going to make anyone feel more comfortable hearing electronic beeps as the shot is framed or taken.

Take as many shots as possible. Your memory cards and storage devices will be the only limit you have in this area. The more shots you take the higher your chance of getting the best shots. And don't immediately delete those shots you think are no good. Instead keep them all and review after the wedding. By using a photo retouching software you may find a shot you didn't know you had.

Be prepared! Make sure you have spare batteries and multiple memory cards. Know the wedding venues and times. Check out places where you will be able to stand during the ceremony. Think about the shots the bride and groom will want of their big occasion and how you can move between them during the proceedings. The same applies to the reception venue. It is important to know where the speeches will be given and where the dancing will take place. When checking for locations for posed shots think about the background and places you can get good group shots of the entire wedding party.

Be totally comfortable with how your camera operates. One thing about shooting wedding digital photography is that it will be a busy day and people will be stressed. You will have few chances to get a second shot so make the first one count every time. One option for you is to have an assistant who can get people organized and positioned leaving you free to concentrate on the shots you want to take.

Master the continuous shoot mode on your digital camera. Having a series of shots may capture everyone relaxing after the main shot has been taken. If you are lucky one of the shots might have everyone looking at the camera together.

Weddings are a celebration. Make sure you cover off the tips above and your contribution to the day will be priceless.

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