By Marcella Finlay-Ross

When your camera's memory card is full, it's time to do something fun with all those photos. If you'd love to make a scrapbook with them, but you're a little short on scrapbook ideas, I've come up with seven great scrapbook ideas to help inspire you. At first it may seem that sorting out pictures can be a daunting task, but with a little organization you can get them sorted and into scrapbooks with ease. Let talk about some ideas to get you started.

Children's Books: From babies to teenagers you can sort out your photos by age and by child. If you have baby photos you can make a baby scrapbook. Up to the teen years you can sort your photos by individual child and make them their own book. It is a keepsake that you'll be able to share with them in the future.

Family Trips: Whether it's a day trip or a two week vacation, a vacation scrapbook is lots of fun to make. If you a frequent visitor to one place, you can make an exclusive scrapbook for that destination. Once you have your photos together, you can decide if the photos will fill up a whole book. If not, make a day trip book that you can add to. A book of "life at the park" could be a theme for all those shots at a local park.

Christmas: You can make a special Christmas scrapbook and fill it for years. When one is completed you can start a new one. This works for any holiday that you celebrate every year such as Easter or Fourth of July. There are a lot of photos around the holiday season so you may even fill up a book every year. You can also include New Years photos too or make that a separate book as well.

School Years: As with the children's books you can make a record of your child's progress through school. Each year you can add to it and keep special drawings and papers in it. If an art piece is too large or three dimensional, digital scrapbooking software can really help you out here. Simply take pictures of the large items and then add them to your digital scrapbook layout. Or create a hybrid scrapbook where you combine printed digital pages with physical embellishments. For example, there are special pocket holders you can buy for items you would like to pull out and look at both sides.

Event Books: A theater lover or a sports fanatic can create a scrapbook from pictures, programs and tickets collected. It can be a great place to store all of these mementos to look back on in the future. This is also great is you have a family member who plays a certain sport every season or an adult on a team.

Pictures from Extended Family and Friends: You get Christmas cards with photos and school pictures from other children. Making a friends and family scrapbook is a great way to keep them safe and in one place. When you receive pictures such as these, and take them off the fridge, you can put them in a scrapbook rather than in a drawer. Better yet, scan them in and add them to a digital scrapbook and you'll reduce the clutter even more!

Additional Photos: If you have duplicates,, try sorting them for grandparents or other relatives who would appreciate the gift of photos in an album. Miniature scrapbooks, brag books and albums are really easy to put together.

Don't let your photos overwhelm you. Picture memories should not be cumbersome but cherished. Sort out your photos and try these scrapbook ideas or create your own. Let your imagination go and have fun making scrapbooks.

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