By Gary Dodge

When you're using chroma key green screen photography there are a few things you need to know that'll help the process along better. This is still a relatively new type of photography for those people who are not familiar with it. Profession photographers may have been using it for a while, but what about the non professional?

What about the person who just wants to have a little fun at home with the kids or friends? How can they use chroma key green screen photography to make some creative photos they'll be able to laugh about later? In this article I'm going to give you some tips on how you can use chroma key green screen yourself without the use of a professional.

You'll need very easy to use software

Chroma key green screen software is very easy to use and you can find different variations of it on the internet or at the store. You want to make sure whichever you choose will come with complete instructions and will not require anything else. Good chroma key green screen software will come with the following.

Easy to understand instructions that anyone can learn quickly

A Step by step detailed guide to walk you through the entire process

Preferably some sort of illustration to help you better understand

Preferably some sort of video tutorial just in case you still have a hard time

Lastly, some sort of help center in case you have questions.

This is only the first step, once you have your chroma key green screen software you'll need to make sure you have the proper material to use it. This is the actual process of taking the photos and uploading them unto your home computer to make the proper adjustment.

What you'll need to take the pictures correctly

You are good to go if you have the right materials to take the pictures. A good digital camera is all you will need to have. You will pictures will not turn out the right way if you do not have a good digital camera. Next you will have have the proper green screen in the back. Be sure that the green screen fills the entire image. If it doesn't your picture will look weird once you create it.

If you need a good green screen there are several ways to do this. Not everyone will be willing to paint a wall in their house green. You can go to certain stores to find out what type of fabric will be best for this type of photography. Once you've found it all you'll need to do is figure out the best way to set it up.

You will have a lot of fun using chroma key green photography. It gives you a way to create long lasting memories you'll be able to laugh about for years and years to come. There is no reason why you cant take advantage of chroma key green screen now, with the right software.

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