By Dean Cavergy

Gets yourself ready for your momentous event: plan for your wedding day hairstyle and achieve the perfect wedding day look! As much as possible, you must be able to pick the hair dresser you like weeks before your wedding date. If you don't know anyone, ask a close friend so she can recommend you a hairdresser she trusts and have a good experience. Establish a good rapport with the hairdresser. The more comfortable you are with the people you work with (especially in the beauty department), the happier you will be with the results. Hairdressers are a bunch of creative people who likes creating beautiful workmanship but this doesn't mean that what they're suggesting would be the hairstyle you're looking for. If you don't like the hairstyle they're suggesting, be firm on telling them so. But do it gently. Further information is accessible through

Because the hairstyle plays an important role for the bride's overall look, this has been considered a ritual for many American brides as well. Since there have been many preparations for her dress, it only right to include her hair, which is considered the crowning glory for many women. Married women in China usually style their hairs in a bun. Such style is done in most Chinese brides in a ritual: a woman who has had a successful family life, is asked to help in dressing up the bride's hair. While the hair is being set, this "good luck woman" will also bid the bride good fortune for her upcoming marriage.

Discuss in length the shape of your face in relation to the hairstyle that he or she proposes. According to many hairdressers, "Up Do's" signify elegance. Most brides like this hairstyle on their wedding day. Tired of the bun? Achieve the same polished look with braids instead. You can try French twists and cornrows. Experiment until you get the perfect bridal look for your hair. There are also brides who prefer having a romantic look. Therefore, they choose to have let their hair down. For a more elegant grace, you can flip the edges or make big curls. Not so flashy color highlights or shiny curls can spruced up short hairs.

Ask to schedule a practice session to mock-up the intended hair do for your wedding day. Your hairdresses may demand an extra pay for this but if you have some bucks to spare and you want to look perfect then go for it. During the mock up, see if you can handle the hairstyle pretty well. See how long it would last and how much effort it would take to carry this hairstyle. Make sure you're choosing the hairstyle you really want. Otherwise, you will have to redo it during the wedding day and it would be ridiculous to change into another hairstyle during the wedding date! Remember that during the wedding, the bride will mostly be the center of attraction. So it's significant that you look good!

Old sayings would tell you not to wear your wedding dress before the wedding because it can cause bad luck. But you need to be sure that your hairstyle matches the gown. Don't worry; you can still approximate the look by using other dresses. Look for a dress that has the same collar style as your wedding dress. View yourself on the mirror, and imagine yourself in white... does the hairstyle match?

Walk with your mock up hairstyle. See if it doesn't suddenly fall with slight movements. Check to see if your hairstyle is secured to place by bobbing your head a bit and doing things that you'd most likely do during the wedding. For example, waltzing. Your wedding hours would extend up to the reception so your hairstyle should withstand all head and body activity until the wedding night if possible.

Before the wedding: You may want to get a head massage an evening before the big date. On second thought, you may want a whole body massage. This relaxes your body, opens your pores and freshens up your skin.

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