By Tyra Georgia Sanchez

You've made the decision that you would like to take better quality photos, whether as a total beginner or you want to improve an existing skill. That's great! Some handy hints to get your camera pointed in the right direction are listed below.

When preparing to shoot some kind of wedding, try getting unexpected shots of little details to warm yourself up, like a makeup bag or a flower close up. This could be the occasion to take some great pictures.

If you are photographing a bride or someone else in white, a contrasting background will help make their clothing stand out. Many people use their cameras with the "auto" settings, and the camera tries to adjust the focus and exposure based on readings it takes from the subjects. This causes white clothing to usually get washed out in photographs.

Be sure to shoot your photographs without any hesitation, to ensure you get a picture that you will be happy with. The moment you want to capture is not going to last, so be prepared. Expressions can change, animals will run away, and the mood you associate with a landscape can disappear. Do not worry about setting your camera perfectly correctly, or you might miss the shot.

The shutter speed that you choose will affect your pictures. For instance, if your subjects are in motion choose a faster shutter speed. This will give you that split second timing that is necessary to capture your moving subject. This is a good setting for things like sporting events. Also, if you wish to have the motion blur effect you can choose a slower shutter speed. Try taking a picture of running water with this method.

Enhance your images with alterations of scale, facial expressions and point of view. Even the simplest of objects can be viewed as works of art, if you portray it in such a way. Spend some time on your images so that you can shoot a distinct image of an otherwise ordinary object.

Include smaller, recognizable items in photos of huge structures and landscapes. Without a familiar point of reference, viewers of your photographs might not be able to judge the dimensions of a large and unfamiliar subject when it is taken out of context.

Usually before taking a picture, you want to figure out if you should take advantage of the shadows or highlights on your subject. There are ways in Photoshop to do both of these things at the same time, by blending together two photographs. This can make your photo look perfect.

If even five percent of your photos look good, you're doing well. This does not mean you should toss the rest of your pictures, though. If you keep a private scrapbook that contains all of your photos, not just the best ones, you will have a powerful reference tool you can use to improve your photographic skills.

The secret to upping your photography game with a SLR camera is exploration of manual settings. With the advent of digital technology, it is easier than ever to create beautiful and affordable images. This means you can safely experiment with the more advanced settings on your camera to learn what to do and what not to do.

Excelling in photography takes dedication and persistence, yet can be elevated to a true art form. Taking a good picture requires you to find the right balance between many nuances and you will be able to do that if you practice.

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