By Dan Feildman

Weddings are full of memories you want to keep. That's why many couples hire a professional photographer to record and capture their marital bliss. There is a big market for photographers qualified for the job, so how can you make money becoming a professional wedding photographer? The key to getting business is contacts. A successful photographer must have great business relationships with wedding planners. A popular wedding planner will create a lot of business with his or her recommendations.

First, if you have no wedding portfolio, offer your service to a bride in return for a testimonial. Be sure you keep the copyright on your pictures so you can use them to create a portfolio. You might locate a receptive bride within your circle of friends and family or through other networking activities. With at least one wedding under your belt and with a nice testimonial and portfolio, start looking for other weddings to photograph. Word of mouth is always ideal, but you might also check the wedding announcements in your local newspaper.

To build up a portfolio, offer your services in return for testimonials. Make sure you have the copyright for your photographs so that you can use these in your portfolio. Often your first client will be from your social circle, so get the word out about your service. Word of mouth is the best recommendation, but with your new portfolio and testimonial, you are prepared to search for wedding announcements in your local newspaper.

Contact the bride and offer your service. You can either send promotional material by mail or try phoning her. You can offer to take pictures of the bride's house and the preparation for the wedding which can produce some great photos. This service is rarely offered by studio photographers, so this extra effort will make you stand out.

Offering to photograph other events that go with the wedding such as the bachelor party or the bridal showers can offer value to the customer. Essentially you want to look at your competition and see how you can offer more value to them. If you are starting out you may not have the experience, but instead you will offer your time and effort to make sure what you produce satisfies the happy couple. As you gain more business, you should look into marketing strategies. Although word of mouth is the best recommendation, try to spread the word about your business by contacting tuxedo rental services or wedding boutiques and asking if you can leave your pamphlets there. You can even look into arranging a referral fee to motivate your associates to send you more business.

Being inventive and creative in the way you approach business goes along way in wedding photography. For example try working with a local artist to produce scrapbooks for your customers. You will offer a completely unique work of art to hold your clients happy memories. As a final tip, make sure to please the bride. Make her happy, and your job will be a lot more enjoyable.

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